Monday, September 25, 2006

Toilet paper not included

This will probably be the last post before I come home, as I fly back on Saturday! I am feeling nostalgic about leaving already, although I am also very excited about getting home and putting some of what I have learnt into practice.

India grows on you like a charming fungus. However, all travel brochures should come with the following disclaimer:
Toilet paper, drinking water and hot showers not included. Excessive shopping may cause luggage crisis on return journey.

Its been raining again, and I have just spent the evening crammed into an auto rickshaw with two other girls, splashing through poopy puddles to get to a FedEx office. I thought this might be the solution to my Bought Too Many Books problem, but it turned out to be less than affordable. So now I all for buying the cheapest piece of extra luggage I can find and suffering the ensuing airport nastiness.

School was crazy busy last week, with all sorts of extra murals. I finally received my tailor-made practice. I was very disappointed; after all the poking & prodding in class, I was expecting a remedial practice, but they seem to think I am flexible and strong, so have basically given me a fairly vigorous asana practice with emphasis on improving my breath. Lots of breath counting and holding. Quite interesting!

I had what may have been a mild case of Delhi Belly towards the end of last week, but never got sick enough to really know - I was just off-colour and very attached to the toilet for a couple of days. Good thing the general store a my hotel sells toilet paper since I still haven't worked out the rinse-and-pull-up-wet-undies thing.


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